Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Dressed nicely, they moved around the room "schmoozing". They have a confidence, knowing their paychecks are of a high value. Wine glasses intermingled with vodka cocktails and stout whiskey. Whitened, heightened teeth grimaced smiles.

"Yes. I teach high school English." The handwritten badge gave it away amidst perfectly formed, typed badges. Blaring names and companies and organizations. BOLD, NEAT TYPE. So organized. Precise.

Who knew it would be a death sentence to any hope of valuable conversation, or value.

Backs turn, turn, turn. Black, brown and blue suits. A great seam threads straight down. A vertical plunge. An end?

A monotony of graying falsely blonde or black or brown. "Oh, yes. So gooooood to see you again."

Now, why do I find this blog-worthy? Because it makes me happy to think that ... finally... we are considering classy as worthy of note. Please...let this catch on.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Maybe it's the beginning of the school year. Maybe it's the beginning of the work year (for the teachers). Maybe it's the june bugs taking over every swimming pool. But for some reason, I've always despised August.

I did not come to this decision lightly. Every year, as the end of July looms near, I feel the August dread climbing over me like the stale, warm heat of 5 p.m. Suffocating. It makes me long for a quick flash forward to October or November. Cool, crisp air. Breathable.

Rains have descended. Perhaps this August will be different. Somehow altered by the lugubrious sky.